I constructed my frog vivarium about 10 months ago now. Had so much fun.
I purchased the frame from my local pet shop. Exo-terra 45x45x90cm high
When building the inside I wanted to create something interesting, practical, and low maintenance.
There are no still areas of water in the enclosure. I have a number of sponges in the system, the most important one is the one at the back just before the punp which collects all the solids in the water and makes for easy cleaning once every 2 or 3 weeks.
The sump hole is the best feature for I drain 75% of the water out maybe once a week, which takes about 1 minute.
I have 5 giant green tree frogs. A little over populated I think for they are big frogs but they all look happy.
Anyway hope u enjoy the pictures. Canft wait to build my next vivarium / adventure.
Geelong, Australia